Travel Health Information For Eastern Europe

Europe is a massive continent extending from Asia to the Atlantic and split between four regions, North, South, East and West. Eastern Europe consists of a number of countries including;


Russia is Eastern Europe's largest and easternmost country. It separates Europe from Asia and bestrides both continents over a wide geographical area engulfing many different cultures, climates and topographies. Moscow, Russia's famous capital city is recognized as an important cultural and historical center. Most tourists traveling to Russia, make the visit to the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Within the walls of the famous Kremlin contains many legends. Museums guard important examples of history including famous works of art and the bejeweled riches gathered over hundreds of years. A visit to Red Square is a must for any tourist to the region, a walk through Lenin's tomb is also a must for any cold war history buff.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic historically joined with Slovakia an East Central European nation that is home to one of the region's most popular destinations, Prague. As the Czech Republic's capital city Prague has plenty to offer tourists and travelers to the area, especially romantic couples, the beer connoisseurs, history hounds or shopaholics.


Poland occupies a location in the north of the East Central European region. The culturally rich destination is easily navigated and is considered to be a traveler's dream with big cities and small towns tucked into every corner of the country. Many small towns offer a unique glimpse into its heritage with much to share. Warsaw, Poland's capital city is a thriving modern destination with a historic core that has been carefully reconstructed to its pre-war state of elegance. Any visitor to the region will be warmly welcomed by the people of Poland.


Croatia is situated beside the Adriatic Sea with the area featuring a long coastline attractive to travelers from far and away. Within Croatia there are an abundance of enchanting cities each with a story to tell. Until recently, as other Southeastern European countries have struggled to attract visitors, Croatia is only now beginning to realize the benefits tourism brings to the region and is upping the stakes in the race to attract the mighty tourism dollar.

Many cruise lines now dock regularly in its ports, while the younger generation of travelers are drawn to its beaches. The destination is also popular as a honeymoon hotspot as there are many places where romance seems to come naturally for couples.


Slovakia was once considered the Czech Republic's 'other half' in their marriage called Czechoslovakia, the country is now making its own unique impact as an independent Central Eastern European country. Since becoming a member of the European Union and NATO member in 2004, the economy of Slovakia has stabilized making it an attractive option for travelers who like to explore the area, which remains relatively unspoiled by tourism.


Hungary occupies an interesting place in the Central Eastern European territory. The heritage of Hungary differentiates it from many other countries in the region. Hungarian culture reflects Hungary's differences even while it shares similarities with neighboring cultures.


Ukraine is a nation whose past leaders elicited such a strong change throughout the region that we can still see the effects today. Kiev's Prince Vladimir introduced Christianity to the Slavs and since that time, Eastern Orthodoxy was born and it is that religion that Ukrainians, Russians, Serbians, and others still follow today. Unfortunately for the last number of years, the region has been engaged in war making it a country to be avoided by tourists until such time as the region is once again a peaceful one.

Eastern Europe is a region encompassing many different cultures, ethnicities, languages, and histories. Grouping all of these countries under a single designation can sometimes seem wrong, due to the amount of cultural diversity. Experts, scholars, and even those living there tend to label parts of the region according to varying sets of criteria, with many a heated debate erupting into a loud roar, when one party has felt that a certain country has been incorrectly categorized.

It's important to note that the countries broadly classified as being a part of Eastern Europe have one thing in common, they were all behind the Iron Curtain before its fall on March 9th, 1989. This historical political boundary of the last century helps us to define a region whose development especially until the 1990s, has been very different from that of Western Europe. Much of which is reflected in the architecture of the region.

The following information provides the traveler with a list of known exposure risks for those considering traveling to Eastern Europe. Always consult with your Doctor before traveling overseas.

When heading away to any destination, older travelers should take the time to undertake and pre-prepare for their journey away from home. Different climates and conditions can sometimes pose a risk to travelers of any age, with many unknowingly placing themselves at risk of exposure to illness or disease.

Note: The following material has been provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be relied on as a substitute for professional medical advice. No person should act, fail to act, disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking professional medical advice on the basis of this material. The Travelnanna website, nor its representatives does not guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of any of this information and will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury directly or indirectly caused by this material or its use.


This very common infectious disease can now be prevented through immunization. Many people miss the disease in childhood only to have a significant illness as an adult.

Hepatitis A

This is a viral disease of the liver which is transmitted through eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water.

Hepatitis B

This is a viral disease of the liver that is transmitted via blood, blood products or bodily fluids and is vaccine preventable.


Travelers go through crowded venues like airports, or on commuter transport. Influenza is the most common vaccine to prevent travel related illness. Vaccination against influenza is generally highly recommended.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Vaccination is recommended for travelers born after 1966 who cannot confirm that they have received two doses of measles containing vaccine. Since 1990, this may have been the combination vaccine MMR (measles, mumps and rubella).

Meningococcal Disease

Meningococcal disease is a very serious bacterial infection which is often life-threatening. It may manifest as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain)and/or septicaemia (blood poisoning).


Rabies is a deadly viral infection of the brain. Risk increases with extended travel and the likelihood of animal contact.

Tetanus, Pertussis, Diphtheria

Tetanus is caused by a toxin released by common dust or soil bacteria which enters the body through a wound. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection of the throat and less frequently, the skin. Pertussis or whooping cough (known as the 100 day cough in Chinese) is a highly infectious respiratory infection responsible for over 300,000 deaths annually, mainly in children. These three illnesses are preventable and covered in the same vaccine.

Tick-borne Encephalitis

Travellers who walk through infected areas during tick season would warrant vaccination against TBE. TBE vaccines are readily available in Europe but not in Australia or a number of other countries. Check with your local travel doctor before leaving home.

Traveler’s Diarrhoea

Up to 40% of tourists may develop three or more loose bowel motions a day within the first week of travel. A variety of germs can be responsible for this infection and a travelers may choose to pack products such as Gastro-Stop to remedy the problem quickly.